NYC – UnFair Art Show

THE(UN)FAIR was an alternative to the Armory Art Fair and just a block away. I think its goal was to show the public that Art can be shown and appreciated in a less formal setting than  cookie-cutter fairs.

UnFair Art Show_band_w52nd (57)

Housed in an older building _  three floors up _  the walls, floors and ceilings  held over 100 works of art. The exhibition space was set in a very grungy but inviting loft.  Several rooms had  related objects and made for an interesting and enjoyable visit. The people involved in the show were very friendly and eager to explain each of the pieces of art.

The UnFAir celebrates amazing art by a handful of prestigious artists… the environment is immersive, the work is installed with connectivity between the artists, and the particularities of the hauntingly beautiful space itself are highlighted through an innovative lighting installation.


I created a slide show for each room. Not all pieces are included.

Room I

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Room 2

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Room 3

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Room 4

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Most of the area around this loft (west 52nd and 10th Avenue) is mostly commercial. Most people simply walk through the area to get to the Hudson River.

Author: thom bradley

I am an educator who has worked in Woodstock NY, Rhinebeck NY, Salisbury CT and who has lived in Rhinebeck, Wilmington NC and New York City. I have been interested in photography since the '60s. I enjoy walking as a hobby and have taken quite a few pictures during these strolls. I share some of these adventures on or I

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